Judges Member Comments:
Aquascape Details
Volume in litres: 63 L
Artwork size: 60p
Hardscape: Rasamala wood, Bobbing stone
Flora: Monte Carlo, Hairgrass mini, Myriophillum mattogrosense, Rotala BSD, Bucephalandra mini, Tennelus, staurogyne repens, ammania bonsai, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Hydrocotyle Verticilata, Limnophila mini vietnam
Fauna: Hyphessobrycon sweglesi (black neon tetra)
About Artwork:
a glimpse of nature that is applied in the aquarium to be enjoyed in the room, so that you can always enjoy the beauty of nature even if only in the house
#774: Tino - Denpasar, Indonesia
Points: 418