Judges Member Comments:
Aquascape Details
Volume in litres: 98 liters
Artwork size: 80x35x35
Hardscape: the first work as an exercise to hone skills in the field of design... inspired by the work of om danang cahyo nugroho without changing my personal character, only to the extent that I concentrate on imitating
Flora: Moss fisisden, moss wepping lokal indonesia, moss flame, posostemon helferi, rotala grend, rotala HRA, crypto parva, sagitaria subulata, bolbitis mini, anubias nana, buchepalandra black, mediun and mini.
Fauna: Amandae tetra, red and yellow shrimp, assasin and tanduk snail
About Artwork:
the first work as an exercise to hone skills in the field of design… inspired by the work of om danang cahyo nugroho without changing my personal character, only to the extent that I concentrate on imitating
#1029: Muhammad Nawawi - Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Points: 413