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Aquascape Details
Volume in litres: 360 Liters
Artwork size: 120x60x50
Hardscape: Dragón stone, Soil, drifwood, Ada mekong sand and Ada aquagravel
Flora: Eleocharis mini, Eleocharis acicularis, micranthemum monte carlo, utricularia graminifolia, pogostemon helferi, mini chrismas moss, isma moss, staurogyne repens, anubias petite, hygrophila pitnatifida, glossostigma elatinoides, enantium tenellus, bolbitis heudelotii, microsorum trident, bucephalandra brownie ghost, bucephalandra Deep purple, bucehplantra sp., Ammania sp. Bonsai, eriocaulon sp. Vietnan, ceratopteris siliquosa, rotala sp. Bangladesh, limnophila mini vietnan, myriophyllum sp. Guyana.
Fauna: hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
About Artwork:
This year my intention was to create a work that conveyed great strength and at the same time calm and serenity. The element to recreate it is the majesty of a large tree in the forest with its strong roots struggling to hold on to the ground.
#1169: Efrain Sequera Moreno - Mairena del Alcor, Spain
Points: 876