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Aquascape Details
Volume in litres: 160
Artwork size: 36L, 20D, 15H (all in inch)
Hardscape: Drift woods, detailing woods, lava rock, aquasoil
Flora: MICRANTHEMUM "MONTE CARLO, HC Cuba, Eleocharis Parvula, Eleocharis vivipara, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, pandita uk, triden mini, needle leaf, bolbitis heudelotii difformis, fissidens nobilis, fissidens fontanus, christmas mini, fissidens mini, riccardia chamedryfolia, bucephalandra varieties like Helena, bronie mini ETC, anubias nana petite, myriophyllum golden, lobelia cardinalis mini etc
Fauna: Swabwa Rasbora, rummynose rasbora, Siamese Algae eater, red cherey shrimp, amano shrimp, otocinclus catfish
About Artwork:
This time I tried to create a JUNGLE AQUASCAPE. My initial ideas of the scape were derived from one of the photos of my last trek which is my another passion. I usually capture photos and videos during my adventure . It took almost 4 months to bring off the layout that is visible now.
#1215: Niloy Sengupta - Howrah, India
Points: 632