Judges Member Comments:
Aquascape Details
Volume in litres: 540L
Artwork size: 150 * 60 * 60
Hardscape: volcanic stone, branch wood
Flora: Riccardia chamedryfolia, Bucephalandra, Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini', Bolbitis heudelotii, Microsorum sp, Micranthemum micranthemoides, Rotala sp. Nanjenshan
Fauna: Rasbora heteromorpha
About Artwork:
This piece captures the representation of a moss-covered valley deep within the mountains, drawing inspiration from the Japanese animation, The Princess Mononoke. The dense forest casts shadows, and its humid aura allows moss to grow on the rocks. Water flows between these mossy rocks.
#1013: Shin Dong Jin - Seongnam-si, Republic of Korea
Points: 809