Date submit: 30 December 2023 | On category:

Shadows and light

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    Points: 581

  • Aquascape Details

    Volume in litres: 60 litres

    Artwork size: 60x30x30

    Hardscape: Seiryu Stone, ent wood, pool filter dando, fine gravels

    Flora: Micranthemum monte carlo, hemianthus cuba,rotala h'ra,rotala green, rotala Yao yai, bucephalandra green, bucephalandra red,eleocharis mini, Anúbias mini,Anúbias petite, marsilea crenata, cryptocoryne parva,vesicularia montagnei

    Fauna: Hyphessobrycon Amandae

    About Artwork:

    The ideia behind this layout was to build a massiva structure that allowed for alot of Shadows at the front, using diferent size of plants to achieve depth, the structure allowed to create different levels of details, áreas that are fully visible from the front, others that play with light and Shadows to give you just a glimpse that there’s something there.

    #928: Bruno Carvalho - Setúbal , Portugal